Featured Poet - W.D. Ehrhart [ Bio + Poems ]
Founding Poet - Paul Hellweg [ Bio + Poems ]
A New Journey Begins
The Sorrow of War
Taking a Trip to London
The Fifth Dimension
Dien Bien Phu Cemetery
Dance to the Dustoff Waltz
Moment of Silence
Ambush on the Street Without Joy
Forty-Three Years and Counting
On a Battlefield the Flies Don't Care Who Wins
Prey for War
The Road More Traveled
Bête Noire (The Black Beast)
Cult of the Wounded
Memorial Day 2010
A Tidy Battlefield
A Veteran's Manifesto
A Meadow on my Map
The Hero
Dance to the Music
Casualty Notification
Over There
Contributing Poets [ Poem(s) + Bio(s) ]
Nancy Arbuthnot
Sananda Allsgood
John Balaban
Chris Barnes
Philip Bartram
Barry Basden
Robert Beckvall
Mary Buchinger
John Buquoi
SK Burnette
Arlin Buyert
Thomas G. Calabrese
Wendy Taylor Carlisle
William Conelly
Chella Courington
Lisa del Rosso
I. D. Edgewater
W.D. Ehrhart - FEATURED
Art Elser
Michael Estabrook
Vern Fein
Roberta Feins
Mark Fleisher
James Fowler
Richard H. Fox
Bruce Gaughran
Susan Glass
Mel Goldberg
Peter D. Goodwin
David M. Harris
Lois Marie Harrod
Mary Hennessy (Mary Anson)
Victor Henry
Philippe R. Hebert
Granville Holt
Justin Hunt
Linda Jassim
Michael Lee Johnson
Richard Eric Johnson
Raymond Keen
Laurie Kuntz
Jennifer Lagier
Le Pham Le and Nancy Arbuthnot
Joyce LeBaron
Jennifer Lemming
Mary Leonard
Martin H. Levinson
Dar Lowery
Bob MacKenzie
Eileen Malone
John C. Mannone
Jim McGarrah
Donald McNamara
Robert Mella
Mushroom Montoya
Margaret S. Mullins
Carl "Papa" Palmer
Jimmy Pappas
Vincent Phillips
David E. Poston
Ester Prudlo
Ann Quinn
z. m. quynh
David Radavich
Peter Robinson
Nia Nguyễn Rodé
Irene Romilly
Fred Rosenblum
David Sandgrund
Ellin Sarot
Robert J. Savino
Paul Scollan
Peter Seidman
Cynthia M. Sheward
Kathy Silvey
Mike Stentoumis
Kristin Stoner
Paul M. Strohm
Mary Ellen Talley
Mick Terry
Mary Langer Thompson
Brian Michael Tracy
Sterling Warner
Michael Waterson
Ray Whitaker
Ronald J. Whittle
Martin Willits, Jr.
Eliot khalil Wilson
Anne Harding Woodworth
Heather Wyatt
Andrena Zawinski
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Featured Poet - W.D. Ehrhart [ Bio + Poems ]
Founding Poet - Paul Hellweg [ Bio + Poems ]
A New Journey Begins
The Sorrow of War
Taking a Trip to London
The Fifth Dimension
Dien Bien Phu Cemetery
Dance to the Dustoff Waltz
Moment of Silence
Ambush on the Street Without Joy
Forty-Three Years and Counting
On a Battlefield the Flies Don't Care Who Wins
Prey for War
The Road More Traveled
Bête Noire (The Black Beast)
Cult of the Wounded
Memorial Day 2010
A Tidy Battlefield
A Veteran's Manifesto
A Meadow on my Map
The Hero
Dance to the Music
Casualty Notification
Over There
Contributing Poets [ Poem(s) + Bio(s) ]
Nancy Arbuthnot
Sananda Allsgood
John Balaban
Chris Barnes
Philip Bartram
Barry Basden
Robert Beckvall
Mary Buchinger
John Buquoi
SK Burnette
Arlin Buyert
Thomas G. Calabrese
Wendy Taylor Carlisle
William Conelly
Chella Courington
Lisa del Rosso
I. D. Edgewater
W.D. Ehrhart - FEATURED
Art Elser
Michael Estabrook
Vern Fein
Roberta Feins
Mark Fleisher
James Fowler
Richard H. Fox
Bruce Gaughran
Susan Glass
Mel Goldberg
Peter D. Goodwin
David M. Harris
Lois Marie Harrod
Mary Hennessy (Mary Anson)
Victor Henry
Philippe R. Hebert
Granville Holt
Justin Hunt
Linda Jassim
Michael Lee Johnson
Richard Eric Johnson
Raymond Keen
Laurie Kuntz
Jennifer Lagier
Le Pham Le and Nancy Arbuthnot
Joyce LeBaron
Jennifer Lemming
Mary Leonard
Martin H. Levinson
Dar Lowery
Bob MacKenzie
Eileen Malone
John C. Mannone
Jim McGarrah
Donald McNamara
Robert Mella
Mushroom Montoya
Margaret S. Mullins
Carl "Papa" Palmer
Jimmy Pappas
Vincent Phillips
David E. Poston
Ester Prudlo
Ann Quinn
z. m. quynh
David Radavich
Peter Robinson
Nia Nguyễn Rodé
Irene Romilly
Fred Rosenblum
David Sandgrund
Ellin Sarot
Robert J. Savino
Paul Scollan
Peter Seidman
Cynthia M. Sheward
Kathy Silvey
Mike Stentoumis
Kristin Stoner
Paul M. Strohm
Mary Ellen Talley
Mick Terry
Mary Langer Thompson
Brian Michael Tracy
Sterling Warner
Michael Waterson
Ray Whitaker
Ronald J. Whittle
Martin Willits, Jr.
Eliot khalil Wilson
Anne Harding Woodworth
Heather Wyatt
Andrena Zawinski
News & Updates
Nam: Then & Now [ Photos ]
About Us
Site Map
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please email VWPEditorial (at) gmail (dot) com
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Westerly, Rhode Island, USA